SIMBAD lists WZ Cas as a C-N7III spectral class star. Visually, WZ Cassiopeiae is a deep hued red color, typical of a carbon star. It is estimated to be 488.4721 parsecs which is nearly 1593.1829 light years away.
The moderately bright blue star directly to the left of WZ Cas is the B component of this multple star and has the designation HD 224869. This star is an optical double to WZ Cas so it is just a chance alignment and the star is not an actual member of the WZ Cas physical star system.
HD 240474 is the C component and it is a member of the WZ Cas physical star system. It is located to the upper right of WZ Cas.
The D component, TYC 4014-1435-1, is a also member of the WZ Cas system and it is located to the lower left of HD 2248695.