Near Lindbrook, Alberta, Canada
LRGB 10x4min each, total 2hr 20min
E11, 0.7xFR, 8300M, EQ8, A80Mf, LSX2
The Sunflower Galaxy, also listed as Messier 63, is a fairly bright spiral galaxy located in the Canes Venatici constellation
The Sunflower Galaxy makes for a very nice image. The range of luminosity is not too drastic and there is a lot of detail to be picket up. However, this image suffers from a lack of exposure time. It was done in May and there's only about two or three hours of full darkness around here at that time of year. I used the entire night for this one and still only managed to collect 160 minutes worth of usable exposures.
Even so, it turned not too badly. The spiral shape is obvious and it does resemble a sunflower to some degree.