Sadr is the central star in the constellation Cygnus.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ISO800, 2x15s, total 30s CCP2,DSS,CPT C8, CG5, D90
Sadr Detail Page
Full Resolution JPEG File
Deneb is the brightest star in the constellation Cygnus.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ISO800, 4x13s, total 52s CCP2, DSS, CPT C8, CG5, D90
Deneb Detail Page
Full Resolution JPEG File
Caph is a bright star found in the constellation Cassiopeia.
ISO400 3x2m, 1x4m, total 10m BYEOS, DSS, CPT CGEM-DX,E11,0.7xFR,COAG,SSAG
Caph Detail Page
Full Resolution JPEG File
The Moon
This is an image of the moon taken from an urban back yard.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ISO200 1x1/500s CCP2,CPT C8, CG5, D90
Moon Detail Page
Full Resolution JPEG File
Polaris, The North Star
Polaris is also commonly known as the North Star. It is the bright star at the end of the handle of the Litter Dipper, which is the Ursa Minor constellation.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
ISO200, 5x15s, total 75s CCP2,DSS,CPT C8, CG5, D90
Polaris Detail Page
Full Resolution JPEG File
Images of the moon, some stars and things in the solar system
This is a collection of images of the moon and solar system objects. Among other things, there is a picture of a comet amd a picture of the moon. There are also some star fields as well as some of my old individual stars photos.
To zoom in and around the images, go to the detail page by selecting the image or by tapping the detail page button in each image panel.