M52 and the Bubble Nebula
M52 and the Bubble Nebula
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M52 and the Bubble Nebula
Near Lindbrook, Alberta
L:9x3m RGB:9x4m Ha:9x8m Total: 3hr 27m
NP101is, STF-8300M, A80Mf, LSX2, EQ8
Messier 52 is an open cluster found in the constellation Cassiopeia. The Bubble Nebula (NGC7635) is nearby and watches over the cluster.
This is my first LRGB image blended with narrowband data. In the RGB data, the cluster and stars are quite visible and properly colored. But the nebula is almost invisible to an RGB image. Most of the data on the nebula came from the hydrogen-alpha filter.

The hydrogen-alpha filter is a narrowband light filter that blocks all other light and only allows hydrogen-alpha emmissions past it to the camera sensor.

It's ideal for imaging nebulas like the Bubble Nebula that emit h-alpha light. Because the filter blocks so much other light, the incoming h-alpha image is pretty dim. To compensate for this, a typical h-alpha frame is usually ten to twenty minutes long. A comparable RGB frame would only take two to five minutes.

The h-alpha data on this image was actually a bit short. The individual h-alpha frames are only eight minutes long. Later I found that ten to fifteen minutes worked better with this scope and camera combination. This is also the first usable image where I used the field flattener on the NP101is. It did a very good job of correcting oddly shape stars in the corners and the edges.

M52 and the Bubble Nebula
M52 - Open Cluster in Cassiopeia. Taken with a C8 SCT and a D90 DSLR camera.
M52 Open Cluster
M52 and the Bubble Nebula. RGB image taken with an NP101is refractor and an STF8300M CCD camera.
M52 and the Bubble Nebula
NGC 7635 - Bubble Nebula. Monochrome hydrogen-alpha image taken with a CFF 132 refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera.
Bubble Nebula in Ha
Full resolution JPEG Image
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