M56 - Globular Cluster in Lyra
M56 - Globular Cluster in Lyra
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M56 - Globular Cluster in Lyra
Blackfoot Staging Area, Alberta, Canada
ISO800 6x2m, total 12m
E11, NEQ6, 60Da
Messier 56 is a globular cluster found in the constellation Lyra.
This was an early image taken with the EdgeHD scope. The color balance is a bit off and tbe image came out sort of yellow. I could probably fix this but the integration time was pretty short too, it's only 12 minutes. And there are a few other problems as well. So instead of fixing really bad data, I've taken a new image instead. See the image list below for the current version.
Images of M56 - Globular Cluster in Lyra
M56 - Globular Cluster in Lyrae. Taken with an 11" EdgeHD SCT and a 60Da DSLR camera.
11"; EdgeHD, DSLR
M56 - Globular Cluster in Lyrae. Taken with an MN190 Maksutov-Newtonian reflector and an STF8300M CCD camera.
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