M76 - Little Dumbell Nebula
M76 - Little Dumbell Nebula
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M76 - Little Dumbell Nebula
Near Lindbrook, Alberta, Canada
RGB 10x4m , 120m total
SGP, MaximDL, Corel
Imaging: CFF132, STF-8300M, GM1000
Guider:A80Mf, GSO2X Barlow, LodeStar X2, 610nm Flt
Messier 76 is a planatary nebula located in the constellation Perseus.
It is called the Little Dumbbell because of its similarity to the Dumbbell Nebula found in the Vulpecula constellation.

This was the first dark site image I've taken with the CFF 132 refractor. There was some cloud that night and a number of exposures were lost. But there was still enough data to get a passable, if a bit blurry, image of the nebula.

Images of M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with an NP101is refractor and a D90 DSLR camera
NP101is, D90 DSLR
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with an NP101is refractor and a 60Da DSLR camera
NP101is, 60Da DSLR
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with an 11" EdgeHD SCT and a 60Da DSLR camera
11" EdgeHD, 60Da
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with a CFF 132 refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera
M75 - The Little Dumbbell. Imaged with a CFF 132 refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera
Little Dumbbell
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