M27 - Dumbbell Nebula (60Da version)
M27 - Dumbbell Nebula (60Da version)
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M27 - Dumbbell Nebula (60Da version)
Blackfoot Staging Area, Alberta, Canada
ISO800, 3x4m, total 12m
NP101is, NEQ6, 60Da
The Dumbbell Nebula, also listed as Messier 27, is a bright planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula.
M27 is a large and bright planetary nebula. It is easily viewed in almost any telescope and can be seen from moderately dark skies. It's also easy to photograph and is a good target for testing.

This image is only three frames of four minutes each. So that's a mere 12 minutes of total integration time. But even with that little data, the color, structure and even some details showed up.

Images of M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with an NP101is refractor and a D90 DSLR camera
NP101is, D90 DSLR
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with an NP101is refractor and a 60Da DSLR camera
NP101is, 60Da DSLR
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with an 11" EdgeHD SCT and a 60Da DSLR camera
11" EdgeHD, 60Da
M27 - The Dumbbell Nebula. Imaged with a CFF 132 refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera
M75 - The Little Dumbbell. Imaged with a CFF 132 refractor and an STF-8300M CCD camera
Little Dumbbell
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